miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

11) Screen resolutions (HD, HDR, Full HD, WUXGA, 2K, 4K, 8K)

11) Screen resolutions (HD, HDR, Full HD, WUXGA, 2K, 4K, 8K)
-HD: High definition (HD), better known as HD or HQ (stands for High Definition or High Quality, respectively), is an image, video or sound system with higher resolution than the standard definition, reaching resolutions of 1280 × 720 pixels and 1920 × 1080 pixels.
-HDR: High Dynamic Range "HDR" technology or high dynamic range, is a concept that will sound familiar to photography lovers. ... In addition, it is a technology integrated in UHD TVs which has a resolution 4 times higher than a full HD resolution TV.
-Full HD: 1080p or Full HD. ... So 1080p is the vertical resolution. Almost all high definition televisions have a ratio of 1.78: 1 (16x9, that is, "widescreen"), so that means a horizontal resolution of 1,920 pixels (1,920 x 1,080).
- Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Array or WUXGA is a graphical display mode of ... is an adaptation of UXGA mode for panoramic monitors. WUXGA has a resolution of 1920x1200, equivalent to 2.3 Megapixels.
-2K: a resolution that has 2048 x 1080 pixels and corresponds to about 2.2 megapixels. With this term we must be careful, because in many places we will find mobile phones with a 2K screen but with a higher resolution.
-4K: 4K technology is an improvement in the resolution of the image that is included in today's televisions, which is capable of quadrupling the resolution offered by High Definition, HD or High-Definition. This technology is capable of reaching 3840x2160 pixels and is also known as Ultra HD.
-8K: It is the maximum resolution used in UHDV, its resolution is 7680 × 4320 pixels (16: 9) (33.1 megapixels, approx 33.2), quadruples the 1080p high definition television standard in both vertical and vertical dimensions. horizontal
Resultado de imagen para 11) Screen resolutions (HD, HDR, Full HD, WUXGA, 2K, 4K, 8K)

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